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Ask Video Player Parameters

This section provides a full list of parameters that can be passed to the Ask Video Player. The parameters should appear at the end of the URL in the form of name=value and separated by an ampersand (&). Most parameters will have default values specified below.


Parameters in the URL are used to control features and the interface of the WebApp.


uid (user id)

StoryFile id or sequence of ids which the exhibit will work with (e.g., 'uid=2' or 'uid=2;64;16').


Alternative to uid, name of the StoryFile. The value is in a human-readable format (e.g., 'user=Ben Lesser'), but this may be ambiguous if multiple StoryFiles share the same name.


Modes are presets designed for specific applications. The most common are to configure the StoryFile for standard web viewing or mobile devices.


Generic mode for a set of features different from the minimal exhibit/museum experience. Enabled individual params by default: intro=1, cs=1.


Similar to mode=web, but optimized for mobile devices. Enabled individual params by default: intro=1, cs=1, quality=720.


Includes custom UI and features for Enabled individual params by default: intro=1, cs=1. To hide the donation button, add &give=1 param to the URL.

Individual Parameters

If used in combination with a mode, individual parameters will override equivalent parameters set by the mode.

bg (background)

Background for transition between the videos (default is 'black'). The color is defined by hex code. Example: bg=#808080.

al (auto listen)

Assign listen duration in seconds to enable auto listen functionality (disabled by default). Auto listen will automatically turn on the microphone after the end of each video response.

al_end (auto listen end)

Assign end duration in seconds for how long to listen after user input for auto listen mode (2 seconds by default).

ch (checkpoint)

Assign '1' / '0' to enable/disable checkpoints publishing to the local server (0 by default).

cid (client id)

Client id, target usage is for tracking external integration (e.g., when embedding).

cs (conversation starters)

Assign '1' / '0' to enable/disable conversation starters popup button (0 by default).

dd (disable dissolve)

Assign '1' to disable dissolve and use jump cut between video transitions (0 by default - enabled).

ddq (disable dynamic quality)

Assign '1' to disable dynamic quality detection (0 by default - enabled).

dtv (disable timeout video)

Assign '1' to disable timeout video functionality (0 by default - enabled).

dpb (disable play button)

Assign '1' to disable the play button overlay for the intro video (0 by default - enabled). Used for iframe alongside allow="microphone; autoplay" and initial user interaction prior to loading the iframe.

hwbi (hide waiting before intro)

Assign '1' to hide waiting video before playing the intro video (0 by default).


Assign '1' / '0' to enable/disable playing an intro video for the StoryFile, if such is available (0 by default).

key (keyboard on by default)

Assign '1' / '0' to enable/disable whether the text input form should be opened by default during the waiting pose (0 by default).

l (language)

Set the default input language for ASR. Refer to the Speech Recognition Languages list below. If different from 'en-US', then USE Multilingual is used in the AI matching. If supported, UI language will also change to the voice input language.


Try to specify the quality of the streamed video responses (e.g., quality=720).

sid (session id)

Ability to continue a previous session by providing a valid session id (e.g., when embedding the ask app).

si (show instructions)

Assign '1' / '0' to show/hide instructions overlay when the app is loaded (0 by default).

ssc (show social share control)

Assign '1' / '0' to enable/disable social share control button (0 by default).


When '1', force the video responses to be fetched from the local Exhibit server (e.g., static=1).

subs (subtitles)

Set default subtitles. Refer to the two-letter language codes.

po (preferred orientation)

Assign 'landscape' to enable showing the preferred orientation pop-up on mobile devices.

tcp (theme color primary)

Accepts a hex code of a color used as a theme primary color (e.g., tcp=265da1).

td (transcription delay)

Accepts a decimal transcription delay for non-voice transcription. (e.g., td=1.1 will delay by 1100 ms. Default is 0.9 (900 ms)).

topics (group conv starters by topic)

Assign '1' / '0' to enable/disable conversation starters grouping (0 by default). If there’s only a single topic, questions will remain ungrouped.


When 'false', don't show the transcription of the microphone input.


Accepts a decimal scale factor and will scale the videos proportionally (e.g., zoom=1.1 will zoom by 110%. Default is 1 (100%)).

fsb (full screen button)

When '1', shows a full-screen button at the top right corner.